1. Images and Content - Do not post images or content that is not suitable for this site. For any images with nudity in please post in the XXX LOUNGE as it is only accessible to club members over 18 years of age.
2. Swearing - Although there are swear filters, please do not excessively use derivatives or disguised swear words. The filters are there to filter this stuff out and are not an invitation to try and get around them.
3. Advertising - Please do not advertise a company or service in your signature or posts unless you have first spoke to an administrator. Anybody who does will have their posts deleted and membership suspended.
4. Private Sales - This is not ebay. If you are selling something, please make sure you list a price. Failure to do so will result in your item being remove! Please do not post links to E-Bay items. If you want to sell something, take the time and effort to create a complete For Sale post with a price.
5. Bullying - Most of us here are grown up enough to get on nicely with each other, but some like to make life difficult for others. This could be in the shape of prejudice or targeting a specific user or social group. pimpinitheaven.co.uk will not tolerate this.
6. Nonsense Posts - Please do not post for the sake of posting. People will enjoy a good joke, but a post with no meaning or interesting content is a waste of resources and other people's time.
7. Moderation - If a post you have made has been moderated, please live with it. Moderators do not edit posts for the fun of it and do not have time to justify themselves.
8. Do Not Bump Old Posts - It is not acceptable to "bump" old posts in order to bring them to the top of the forum. This confuses users and brings up old views of people which they would prefer to be left in the past or facts that just are not relevant anymore. If there is a genuine reason for bringing an old thread to the top then this is OK. Continued bumping of old posts will not be tolerated.
9. Unsocial Behaviour - Any form of dangerous or illegal driving IS NOT advocated by pimpinitheaven.co.uk nor will it be tolerated. Any behaviour that brings the reputation of this site and it's affiliates into disrepute will not be tolerated.